Take a look into just a few of the Financial Wellness's events. Email us at for more information.









Financial Wellness has teamed up with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance organization, The Dashew Center, The Graduate Student Resource Center and WESCOM Credit Union to host this year's VIRTUAL Tax Education Workshops. These workshops will take place on Tuesday 1/16 @ 5-6:30pm for Domestic Students and Tuesday 2/6 @ 5-6:30pm for International Students.
Domestic students session recording here
Passcode: k&s=AAf2
Internationalstudents session recording here
Passcode: gbxwCM9+


Slides | Salary Negotiation Slides | Recording






Spring Quarter 2023 is kicking off during National Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week! Please join us *in-person* Thursday, April 6th 12pm at Strathmore 106 to meet and greet the current financial wellness graduate consultants, grab some lunch, check out our new office location and enter a raffle for some swag! 😉🐻. We hope to see you there!


Join us on International Women's Day, March 8th, 2023 from 12pm-1pm for a panel discussion with three highly successful leaders. Panelists will answer a set of questions, talk about their experiences in their respective fields, share advice and personal finance tips.
Date of event: Wednesday, March 8th
Time: 12-1:00pm (PST) Location: Zoom (link) will be sent to the email provided on rsvp a few days before the event and on the day of event.

Watch the "Tax Education Workshop for International Bruins".
Access the session's Q&As.
Watch the "Tax Education Workshop for Domestic Bruins".
Access the session's Q&As.

2021-2022 Financial Wellness Events




2015-2016 FW Peers

FW Peers at the 2016 Free Museum Day